I don't know why I do it. $3.00 Lucky's, wow what a great idea. I know what's going to happen to me, I won't get drunk, I'll sleep in, and my head will be pounding until about 1:00 in the afternoon. The problem is I can't pass up a deal. I have a closet full of "sale" items, drawers full of toys, and a wall full of Chinatown DVD's. I just can't pass up a good deal. Of the countless price orientated purchases I have made these three stand out the most: Minidisc player, footwear, and cheap alcohol.
The minidisc player was purchased on one of those great days after I first got a credit card. Back then I kept track of what was put on it and made sure to pay it off as quickly as I could. The sweet part about minidiscs was that they never caught on in North America. The shitty part, they never caught on in North America. Sure you could get one for cheap, however, the discs themselves, not cheap. I used it for about one summer, now it sits in a pile next to a couple of busted Ipods, Walkman, and a Discman.
I love shoes and probably have more pairs than the average person should. My problem with shoes though, is that they are all the same pairs and almost all of them cost under $50.00. When I find something I like I tend to stick with it. That is why I have about 6 pairs of slip ons, 3 pairs of Velcro shoes, and countless pairs of plain and simple skate shoes. The worst part about all of this is that I only wear 3 pairs of them.
Probably the most regretful purchase though have been cheap booze. Still to this day I do it. $5.50 for a six pack, why not. What's that, that cheap vodka that tastes like paint thinner is only $8.90, bring it on. I know what it will do to me. It's done it to me plenty of times before. Yet, I just can't resist. I can't resist that part of my brain that says "Hey, you'll hate me in the morning, but your wallet will love me for it now." I just can't say no to that reasoning. And you know what? It's going to happen again and again and again........