MY LIfe In A Pickle Jar

surrounded by cucumbers

Thursday, January 17, 2008

New year, new post, new me.

I have this problem of never finishing anything that I start, ever. I am 2 classes short of a degree, I can't let my hair get past the "fat kid stage" even though I have been trying to grow it for a year, and my beard was one of the worst things I had ever seen and I had to shave it off after a month. The only thing I ever really finish is sudoku and lunch. This year it's all going to change. No, I don't plan on making huge radical changes like going to the gym everyday or losing 50 lbs (which I should do), but I plan on finishing everything that I start. And to start off the year right, here's a list of things that I will finish this year:

- Get long hair- The mop that i call my hair has been in the "fat kid" stage for a while, I should cut it, but I will not. I am actually going to grow it out and be a total dirtbag at my highschool reunion.
- Finish my tattoos- I have way to many unfinished art on my body. This year it gets finished before I start something new.
- Clean my room- I am not a slob. There is and never will be any food in my room, it's just that sometimes the laundry gets piled up and my bed never gets made. For the first time in about 5 years I will finally have a clean room.

There's about a million other things that I need to do, but these are things I need to finish.



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