Monday, January 29, 2007
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Like Rocky and Apollo Creed

The battle of fast food Mexican rages on. On the one side you have Taco Time and the other side Taco Bell.(Sorry no Del Taco this is Canada after all and it tastes like shit) Both are great in their own way. The Bell has the Chalupa and the Gordita, while Taco Time has churizo tacos and mexi-Platters. Both have annoying spokes models. That annoying chihuaha and Ken. But, there can only be one winner..... Taco Time
Reasons why Taco Time is better than Taco Bell:
Salsa- Taco Time has way better salsa, Taco Bell uses Hot Sauce
Mexi Fries- Are definitely more fun to eat than french fries
No Rice- This is the main reason that Taco Time wins. They do not put rice in their burrito. I don't know why people feel the need to fill their burrito with filler. It's like rap skits on cd's. Just their to take up your time and are not really that satisfying.
Reasons why Taco Time is better than Taco Bell:
Salsa- Taco Time has way better salsa, Taco Bell uses Hot Sauce
Mexi Fries- Are definitely more fun to eat than french fries
No Rice- This is the main reason that Taco Time wins. They do not put rice in their burrito. I don't know why people feel the need to fill their burrito with filler. It's like rap skits on cd's. Just their to take up your time and are not really that satisfying.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Have you ever?
Have you ever been so bored you want to stab your eye with a fork just to make sure you are alive?
Monday, January 15, 2007
As seen on TV

Some Christmas gifts are sleepers. You get them and your'e all like "Wow, thanks. Not really to sure when I'll use this, but thanks." Those were my exact thoughts when I got the magic bullet. Man was I wrong. This is one of the sweetest inventions ever. Not only is it the best infomercial ever after the Ronco ones, but it actually works. Now I can make guacamoooole, fitness shakes, frozen coffee drinks, and more all in less then 10 seconds.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Yall be nice to the Crackheads

Being the amazingly smart guy that I am I forgot to renew my passport untill yesterday. Actually I couldn't find it untill Sunday night, only to find out that it expired yesterday. So off to the passport office I went. 2 hours and $137.00 later and I am now allowed to fly into the U.S.A. more specifically Vegas. While standing in line I wondered A) would I ever feel my toes again? and B) If you don't need your passport untill April why wait in this line up in the freezing cold? Now I admit that I am a huge procrastinator, but is it really that bad of a thing? I got my passport, sure it cost a couple extra bucks, but I got it. Do I really need to get my Christmas shopping done in January? I'd probably forget what i got anyways.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
It's a new year so it's resolution time
I am pretty much perfect in every way. So I don't really need to make resolutions, but here are the things I plan to do/not do over the next 12 months.
1. Take a "real" vacation. That's right take an actual week off that doesn't involve work.
2. Get Blackout drunk. I like to drink, to excess, but I have never blacked out. I want to be "that guy" at least once in my life.
3. Pay my rent on time. since I have moved out of home I have never paid my rent on the first ever. It's always a day or 2 late.
4. Play the Stock market. Get rich quick works for me.
5. Finish a crossword puzzle without Google.
6. Not get sick.
7. Cook more. I got new paderno pots and pans for Jesus's birthday so the inner Ramsey in me is going to come out.
8. Sleep In.
9. Watch less TV.
10. Change my oil regularly.
1. Take a "real" vacation. That's right take an actual week off that doesn't involve work.
2. Get Blackout drunk. I like to drink, to excess, but I have never blacked out. I want to be "that guy" at least once in my life.
3. Pay my rent on time. since I have moved out of home I have never paid my rent on the first ever. It's always a day or 2 late.
4. Play the Stock market. Get rich quick works for me.
5. Finish a crossword puzzle without Google.
6. Not get sick.
7. Cook more. I got new paderno pots and pans for Jesus's birthday so the inner Ramsey in me is going to come out.
8. Sleep In.
9. Watch less TV.
10. Change my oil regularly.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
I hate year end
I really hate the fiscal year end. Inventory, book keeping , etc... It sucks.
Back to normal on monday
Back to normal on monday