The last 2 weeks of my life have been a whirlwind of boxes and newspaper. No longer am I confined to the dank that was my basement suite. I am now the proud renter of a full house. As we were moving the contents of our fridge I noticed an exuberant amount of stuff that I don't even remember buying, but I sure am glad that they were found.
Here are 10 best random food items I found when moving:
10. Blueberry Salsa - SO, so, so, so, good. It's like mango salsa, but a little bit better. I hate blueberries and I liked this.
09. Organic Maple Syrup - Somtimes when I get the creative juices flowing I like to cook. Maple syrup has saved my ass a couple of times.
08. Grey Poupon - Anything is better than yellow mustard. There is nothing I hate more than regular mustard. It's probably the most disgusting thing I have ever tasted. This tastes way better and has less shit in it then heinz.
07. Horse Radish. If you don't like horse radish then you are stupid, plane and simple.
06. Pickled Carrots - My friends mom is an amazing canner and she knows how much I appreciate free food. And pickled free food is even better.
05. Picklelilly - I know I said I hated mustard, but mustard and pickle? C'mon so good. It's a European thing I don't expect you to get it.
04. Samba Olek - This is so good untill about half an hour later when you are sweating on the toilet. But for that first 25 mins, pure heavenly bliss.
03. Pickled Ginger - I think the last time I made sushi was over 2 yrs agao, but for some reason I keep on trucking around this jar of pickled ginger with me from house to house. One day I am going to have to get rid of it.
02.Bernsteins Garlic and Parmesian Salad dressing - When I was a kid I wasn't exactly the kitchen wizard that I am today and would eat this on everything to cover up the taste of my horrible cooking.
01. El Yucatane Green Hot Sauce - If anyone knows where to get this in Calgary please let me know. Last time I went to the Sates I brought home like 10 bottles of this stuff and now I am done to 1. I thought I was out of it untill we cleaned out the fridge.
That was the best, now here's 5 the worst, not including moldy and rotten items:
05. Ranch Dressing - Gross, gross, gross. Just thinking about it makes me want to throw up.
04. Margarine - I can't remember when I have ever used margarine. I put enough shit into my ssytem that I try and steer clear of this crap.
03. TNT Beer - Are you kidding me? I am not on welfare. Where the hell did this come from?
02. Oyster Sauce - Being allergic to shellfish I have no idea who would bring this deathtrap into my house.
01. 4 Different kinds of BBQ Sauce - Gag me with a fork. There is nothing I hate more in this world than BBQ Sauce on meat. It kills all the flavour. I think the real reason I hate it though is becasue I used to be super poor and live with theis girl whom I hated. I couldn't afford anything besides KD, Tang, and BBQ sauce. So the taste of the sauce brings back memories of this horrible time of my life.