Weekly Feature: Celebrity that I hate this week.

To kick off a new weekly feature I figured I'd start with the person who I believe is the most overated talentless hack there is......
Gwen Stefani. That's right I said it. For years I have had to listen to people blab on and on about how original she is, how great her music is, and how much they like her style. Fuck, seriously, I hate her. She hasn't changed her look since she started, it's still that mid 90's ska chic. Her music is over produced and boring. And don't even get me started on the harjuko girls. What's the deal wit those? Did you find some Asian exchange students down on their luck? So for being overated and useless, Gwen Stefani, you are the celebrity I hate this week.
Gwen Stefani. That's right I said it. For years I have had to listen to people blab on and on about how original she is, how great her music is, and how much they like her style. Fuck, seriously, I hate her. She hasn't changed her look since she started, it's still that mid 90's ska chic. Her music is over produced and boring. And don't even get me started on the harjuko girls. What's the deal wit those? Did you find some Asian exchange students down on their luck? So for being overated and useless, Gwen Stefani, you are the celebrity I hate this week.
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