Spelink werdz wronge iz stoopid

I spell so many words wrong that I must be mildly retarded. Either that or a super genius! If messy handwriting is supposedly a sign of geniusness, then why not bad spelling. Infact, why not many of the other things that I do horribly.
Here are the things that I completely suck at:
- Foosball, pool, darts, pretty much any bar game. I would like to thank my parents for the sweet "I have bad eyesight" gene. I pretty much have no hand-eye coordination, even with my contacts in, and it definatle shows when I play foosball.
- Simon. I quite possibly have the worst short term memory ever. So many times have I went to my room to grab something only to forget why I went there. So needless to say simon is not the game for me.
- Scrabble. When you can't spell baught (bought) right how the heck am I ever going to win scrabble.
At 9:26 PM,
~sarah p. said…
Don't worry, Scrabble is not about proper spelling... It's all about making up words and convincing others that they're real.
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