That'l be sweet on the wall

I think I hit a deer. Metaphorically speaking. My life so far has been one big car trip. Sure there have been some detours, construction, and speed bumps along the way, but nothing major. Just cruising along when WHAM!!!!! out jumps a deer. Now I've had my run ins with other woodland craetures. Friend getting married, whoops, bye bye squirrel. Baby shower, shit I just hit a skunk. 2 weddings 1 weekend, there goes a family of mice. But this weekend it felt like I hit a deer and my car is broken. Rewind to thursday night: I got wasted, like loser drunk. Around 4 in the morning I finally crawl into bed. Get up go to work, a little tired, but I put in a good day. That night, engagement pasrty. Not only am I the only single guy there, but I find out so and so's having a baby. Well 2 bottles of wine later I make an ass of myself and go home. Saturday night: Another bachelor party. I remember why I don't drink pop and booze as I'm watching the delicous Thai dinner exit my mouth onto the street at 10:30 pm. Then I procede to stumble around, yell at some people, and puke some more. Well adult hood thank you for running into me this weekend. I hope we meet agin soon.
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