And the case of the missing keys
Do Gremlin's exist? Moving your clock back, stealing keys, killing batteries. If so that would explain a lot. So far since January, I have gone through 2 Ipods, 1 digital camera, and 1 shelf stereo system. I have also lost the following:
1 set of keys and a winter jacket
1 set of keys and a golf jacket
1 set of display case keys for work
3 socks
1 pair of goggles
1 pair of mittens
5 touques
1 bandana
1 balaclava
1 pair of jeans ( I woke up with no pants on and I have noooo idea what happened)
$54.36 roughly
1 skateboard helmet
My viginity (ha ha)
Where's Encyclopedia Brown when you need him? 25 cents a day plus expenses. Even I can afford that.
PS. If you happen upon any of those items please let me know.
At 5:42 PM, ~sarah p. said…
I hear Hifi is pretty good at finding stuff... Maybe you can get them on the case.
p.s. I found a contact lens case of yours at my house, so that's a start.
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