Ro Shambrodownredbullfest: A night in review

The following takes place in Calgary, Alberta between 8:00 pm and 2:00 am
8:00 - 9:00 Show up an hour early* and help set up. Have a couple of beers and a vodaka and redbull sugar free. My mom has made me all scared about diabetes so for the last 3 months i have not had any candy or rum and am trying to watch my sugar intake.
9:00-11:00 Procede to drink way more than I should on an empty stomache. Talk to people, get my photo taken, watch videos, etc...
11:00-1:45 Somehow we manage to convince the bouncers that we are important people and are on the guestlist at HiFi. The people in line are not to impressed. Drink more and become amazed at how awsome Dan Brisse is. Absolutly amazing.
1:45 - 2:00 Get a ride home, puke, and go to sleep hoping I don't see the mouse.
* My parents, the amazing people that they are, are late for everything. So I feel the need to over compensate and be an hour to half hour early.
Happy Holidays
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