5 Best things about the Long weekend we just had
5. Friday Night and Saturday morning
4. BBQ - seriously some ama-zing grilling going on, on Sunday night.
3. Going to the beach- Is it really a lake if it's only tit deep?
2. Getting a weekend for the 6th time this yr - I usually work 6 days a week so when I get a 3 day weekend it's heaven.
1. Napping - I caught up on the last 10 yrs of lack of sleep this weekend.
5 Worst things about this weekend
5. Tuesday- Yes coming back to work sucks. Sometimes I wish I was on welfare.
4. Listening to my dad yack and yack about his philosphy on life - O.K. I get it, you have the right idea throwing away everything you worked for. Just another European trying to be a Native.
3. Sunburning my nose - Now it looks like a bunch of dried snot is on it.
2. Having basic cable - The cable company shut off the deluxe cable on Friday and we had basic cable all weekende. Do you know how much daytime tv really sucks? No Maury, no Judge Joe Brown, no TBS. Seriously hell.
1. Smashing the back window out of my car - Nuff Said
5. Friday Night and Saturday morning
4. BBQ - seriously some ama-zing grilling going on, on Sunday night.
3. Going to the beach- Is it really a lake if it's only tit deep?
2. Getting a weekend for the 6th time this yr - I usually work 6 days a week so when I get a 3 day weekend it's heaven.
1. Napping - I caught up on the last 10 yrs of lack of sleep this weekend.
5 Worst things about this weekend
5. Tuesday- Yes coming back to work sucks. Sometimes I wish I was on welfare.
4. Listening to my dad yack and yack about his philosphy on life - O.K. I get it, you have the right idea throwing away everything you worked for. Just another European trying to be a Native.
3. Sunburning my nose - Now it looks like a bunch of dried snot is on it.
2. Having basic cable - The cable company shut off the deluxe cable on Friday and we had basic cable all weekende. Do you know how much daytime tv really sucks? No Maury, no Judge Joe Brown, no TBS. Seriously hell.
1. Smashing the back window out of my car - Nuff Said
At 10:14 PM,
claire said…
tit-deep? love it!
I heard Altadore got audited for illegal cable! booo-yaaaa....
Mission at the moment, crime still pays!
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