Screw you quiznos

It comes as no surprise that I love food. You can tell by my rotund physique, that I love it more than I should. I love it all, Mexican, Italian, Schnitzel. Thai, Vietnamese, etc, etc... But, there are few things that get me excited more than a sandwich. The perfect sandwich is an art form. Anyone can make a sandwich, but it's the little things that make it special.
Rules of Sandwich Making:
- Whenever possible use good bread. Preferably anything that is longer than 3 ft and comes unsliced. Or use a bun, it gives it that little bit of class.
- Make sure that there are condiments on both pieces of bread. Also, when it comes to condiments ketchup, yellow mustard, and mayo are not options. Did Leonardo DaVinci use crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel? No. Condiments are meant to enhance the flavour. Use a dijon mustard or a horseradish mayo. You will thank me later.
- Absolutely do not put butter or margarine on it. There is an exception though. If you are making beef dip you may use garlic butter, but that is the only rule.
- Make sure that there is more than one layer of meat. If you are a vegetarian ignore this rule. The meat is foundation that everything else is built upon. It should be at least 2 layers thick and a couple of varieties as well. If possible use "real" meat, not the stuff that you bought from the deli. Do not, I repeat DO NOT use bologna. You are not 4 yrs old and should have acquired taste buds by now.
- Absolutely do not put butter or margarine on it. There is an exception though. If you are making beef dip you may use garlic butter, but that is the only rule.
- Make sure that there is more than one layer of meat. If you are a vegetarian ignore this rule. The meat is foundation that everything else is built upon. It should be at least 2 layers thick and a couple of varieties as well. If possible use "real" meat, not the stuff that you bought from the deli. Do not, I repeat DO NOT use bologna. You are not 4 yrs old and should have acquired taste buds by now.
- Vegetables and fruits are a good thing. Try thinking outside the box on this one. Mango's, avocados, papaya, all go really nicely with chicken. The old Canada Food Guide ( I am not up to date with the new one) suggests 5-10 servings of fruit and vegetables a day. Why not enjoy them and try something new?
- Always add bacon. Not only is it good tasting, but it will also add that extra little crunch.
- Cheese is a must. Any cheese will do. As long as it is on, you will not be disappointed.
Follow these guidelines and your love for the sanwich will blossom like a spring flower.
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