Je Deteste le poisson
I sure am glad that I don't live in Victoria. (Or Montreal where the give grants for anything) Really bad entertainers, no shitty jewelery booths, and no one trying to sell me their stoner paintings that they painted when the popped 2 hits of acid in college. That being said, I went to the fringe festival on Sunday. Where everything I hate about Victoria was in a 3 block radius. It seemed like anyone who had an idea for anything got to preform or a booth.
"What's that you do?"
"Oh I do really bad cowboy poetry while my freind plays the banjo with his penis."
"Fine then you are preforming at 3:00"
And why is it whenevr someone starts a new shitty barstar clothing company it always has some sort of sexual conentation to it? Shocker, pornstar, boner. What's next? Cracked out hooker who will get you off for some blow money industries.
"What's that you do?"
"Oh I do really bad cowboy poetry while my freind plays the banjo with his penis."
"Fine then you are preforming at 3:00"
And why is it whenevr someone starts a new shitty barstar clothing company it always has some sort of sexual conentation to it? Shocker, pornstar, boner. What's next? Cracked out hooker who will get you off for some blow money industries.
At 3:12 PM,
cc said…
you need to start Cracked out hooker who will get you off for some blow money industries.
I'd be into that for sure. There's a massive market for that....gangsta
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